Friday, March 20, 2020

I hope you’ve enjoyed our online lessons so far. We’ve seen some music videos, read a story about music, and played an art-and-music game. I think we’ve done enough sitting for right now, so today I want you to stand up and move around with me.

Moving with music is as old as music itself. People danced, marched, and played to the sounds of music. One of the videos below uses music that was written specifically for moving, a medley of waltzes that were written for dancers. Other music helped groups march in time, move around a church, play games, or perform at athletic competitions. When we move to music, we are part of a long tradition.

I have two videos below. Both of them star…Mr. Steve! Actually, they’re just videos of me moving with some of the songs we use in music class. You may know some of the songs and remember what we do when we listen to them in class. Even if you don’t know the songs, or if you are a visitor who’s not from one of my schools, you can follow the directions in the songs and watch me to see how we move.

There’s nothing fancy here, just me, the music, and a clear space to move in. Find a place where you can move. I kept the movements simple so you don’t need a lot of space, just enough to sway, clap, spin, and swing your arms. If you have fun with these videos, you can play them again and move around some more.

This first video uses songs that we listen to in classes for preschool, primary, and some elementary classes. There are three songs we will move to.

Mr. Steve’s “Workout” for Kids

The second video is an adaptation of our hoop exercise from the older elementary and secondary classes. (You don’t need a hoop to do these, just some imagination.)

Mr. Steve’s Waltz Stretch

Make sure you move around a little every day to keep yourself in good shape. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you back here on Monday!

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