Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Jazz rose out of the African-American culture. In the late 1800s and early 1900s many people were prejudiced against African-Americans, so they were limited in where they could live or what kind of jobs they could do. As a result, many were poor and struggled to pay their bills. They often had to find creativeContinue reading “Wednesday, April 22, 2020”

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

America’s greatest contribution to the world of music is jazz. Jazz developed out of a combination of African music with European classical music. It has its roots in spirituals, ragtime, and blues. African-American musicians in New Orleans brought these together in a style called dixieland. From dixieland, musicians added other influences to create new stylesContinue reading “Tuesday, April 21, 2020”

Monday, April 20, 2020

April is Jazz Appreciation Month. Jazz is America’s great contribution to the world of music. With its roots in the experience of African-Americans in the United States, jazz has expanded to all races and classes of people and become popular all over the world. There are many different styles of jazz. We’ll study the historyContinue reading “Monday, April 20, 2020”

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Stories allow us to imagine things that can’t really happen in the real world. Your favorite story might be about dragons, or flying through the air, or meeting a famous person from the past. With our imagination almost anything can happen in a story. In the video below, the storyteller imagines some animals that wantContinue reading “Wednesday, April 15, 2020”

Monday, April 13, 2020

Imagination is important in music. Music started when someone tried to take the sounds that different things made and arrange them to make rhythms or melodies. People used their imagination to try having more than one person making music at the same time. Someone used their imagination to find a way to write down musicalContinue reading “Monday, April 13, 2020”

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