Thursday, March 26, 2020

In an earlier lesson we talked about how important drumming and rhythm were to African music. Rhythm gives music its driving force. Even in a song that doesn’t use percussion instruments, there is still a beat that keeps the music going. Rhythms can be broken down into smaller units that we call “measures.” You canContinue reading “Thursday, March 26, 2020”

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Storytelling is a very important part of African culture. Many stories were passed down from generation to generation by people telling them to their children, who would then tell their children. Stories might tell tales about history, remind people of religious teachings, or just be told for entertainment. The story in the video is basedContinue reading “Wednesday, March 25, 2020”

Monday, March 23, 2020

Music has been around ever since there were people on this planet. Throughout the ages, there have been changes in musical styles. At different times and in different places, people have sung in a variety of ways, used many kinds of instruments, and even had different scales, melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. Underneath it all wasContinue reading “Monday, March 23, 2020”

200316: New Jersey Rockers

I will be posting some links to videos, web sites, and audio files here on this blog so you can explore music while on home instruction during the current school shutdown. I will provide a short explanation of the content and why it is helpful in learning music. Today’s first link is to a performanceContinue reading “200316: New Jersey Rockers”

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