231201: A German Christmas Tree

The tradition of the Christmas tree comes from Germany. Since Christmas is a winter holiday, you need a tree that will be green in the winter. The different kinds of evergreen trees make good Christmas trees. The song O Christmas Tree comes from the German carol O Tannenbaum. Both songs are about the sturdy treesContinue reading “231201: A German Christmas Tree”

231101: Music of Thanksgiving

Music is a part of many holiday celebrations. Our holiday traditions come from many cultural backgrounds, so the music we hear may sound very different from other people we know. Here are examples of music from Native Americans and from the Pilgrims. Native American music and dance: These are three dances performed in different styles.Continue reading “231101: Music of Thanksgiving”

231018: Holiday songs

Here are the lyrics for some holiday songs we will be singing this year. The school concerts will be in December, so it’s time to start practicing! S’vivon (pronunciation guide) Sah-vay-von sove sove soveHa-noo-kah hoo khag toveHa-noo-kah hoo khag toveSah-vay-von sove sove soveHa-noo-kah hoo la ahmNashe gah-dole hi-yah shamNashe gah-dole hi-yah shamHa-noo-kah hoo la ahmContinue reading “231018: Holiday songs”

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