231002: A spooky overture

Music can be used to set a mood. It might be written to make your think of a scene in your imagination. It can also be used to get a certain emotional reaction from the listeners. Music that is written to get these kinds of r eactions is called program music. Program music is commonContinue reading “231002: A spooky overture”

230918: A Walk in the Fall Woods

My favorite season is autumn. I like the comfortable temperatures, the changing leaves, and the holidays we celebrate in the fall. Football games, harvest festivals, and bonfires are some of the fun events we have in autumn. I enjoy walking through the woods as the leaves are changing. The leaves that are on the groundContinue reading “230918: A Walk in the Fall Woods”

930907: How was your summer?

September is here, and we’re back to school. Summer vacation is over, although summer still has a few more days left. Do you have any good memories of this past summer? Maybe you got to go someplace new. You might have visited family members or friends. You could have gone to the beach, the zoo,Continue reading “930907: How was your summer?”

230905: A Baroque Concerto

A concerto is a piece of music that features a soloist or a group of soloists. This allows musicians to show how well they have mastered their instrument. The soloists play with an orchestra as their accompaniment, so you can hear different instruments playing even while the soloists are performing. The German composer Johann SebastianContinue reading “230905: A Baroque Concerto”

230905: Songs We Sing in Class, Fall 2023

Here are some of the songs we are singing in class in the fall. Some of these are old favorites, while some will be new. LET’S MAKE MUSIC Come on, let’s make some music!Get up and dance and play and sing along,Let’s all sing and play now,Let the music move your hands and feet,We’re goingContinue reading “230905: Songs We Sing in Class, Fall 2023”

230519: Maximus Musicus

What happens when a little mouse gets stuck on the stage with an orchestra? One day a flute player in an orchestra, Hallfríður Ólafsdóttir, used her imagination and wrote a story about that mouse. She named him Maximus Musicus. He had quite an adventure with the instruments! Here is the West Australian Symphony Orchestra tellingContinue reading “230519: Maximus Musicus”

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